Learning Cafe-Session 05

Learning Cafe - Session 05: Smog - The Fifth Season (Roles and Responsibilities of Academia)

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invited Dr. Jamil Anwar, from the School of Sciences, currently working as Professor of Chemistry at the University of Management and Technology to share his thoughts on "Smog-The Fifth Season" dated: October 16, 2020, Saturday from 11 am - 12 pm. 

This learning cafe shares with you what could be next for us as a faculty member and what could be next for students with which we interact and what else could be for the administration and the management of the university. 

Dr. Jamil Anwar started by explaining the term “SMOG”. Smog is a yellowish or blackish coloured toxic fog, formed mainly by a mixture of pollutants in the atmosphere which not only makes breathing difficult but also causes a number of ill effects on health.  


He also stated how in the past few years smog is gradually engulfing Lahore at an alarming rate. At the very beginning when science and technology were just being started the beauty of nature was very high but with the passage of time as the ratio of science and technology increased the beauty of nature decreased.

Months before the demise of the legendary physician Mr. Stephen Hawking a stark warning was issued which stated, “Humans must abandon Earth in the next 200 years if they want to survive.” Later, he discussed the major components of smog, some of the major factors that are responsible for smog in Lahore. He talked about various steps that can be taken to reduce smog and what is to be done in case of smog outside?



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